Your Money Story

by Dr Patrice Newell


5 min read


Some families don’t mention money because it’s seen as in poor taste; because money is never an issue; or the struggle is real but the children don’t need to know.

There are so many different reasons as we wrestle to meet our daily needs with a constant background scream.
Your Money backstory often dictates your relationship with money – grasping, profligate, savey
or savvy.



If you’ve ever been in Therapy, or interested in self enquiry, you may have come across the phrase ‘Core Beliefs’. This is the coding buried deep in the hard drives of our mind.

Internalised from things we have heard or seen in our families of origin, any trauma we have experienced, and our sense of whether we were loved, embraced for who we were etc.
Many of us can find it difficult to uncover our core beliefs and let a hidden code run our actions and reactions to everything life throws at us.

Core beliefs can be great – ‘I am a good person’, I am well loved’, ‘I can do hard things’, ‘I generally succeed’ etc.

Or they can be like malware, spreading insidious poisoned fingers through our experiences and relationships – ‘I am a bad person’, ‘life is hard’, ‘People are not to be trusted’ etc.

And then there are our beliefs around Money.
What are yours?

Anthony Albanese grew up in public housing with his beloved single mother. His childhood has
influenced his whole life and desire to serve.

Ella Havelka is the first Australian Firest Nation woman accepted into the Sydney Ballet. A proud Wiradjuri woman, she grew up with a single Mum who worked multiple jobs to pay for Ella’s passion for Ballet. She learned to think out of the box.

Jackie French describes her childhood as ‘brutal’. She ran away from home and was homeless at 15.

Your family story around money makes its mark deep in your psyche. But you can change your core beliefs. Neuroplasticity means we can all change the ingrained patterns and habits we have unconsciously assimilated as who we are.

We can break free from our financial fetters.

  1. Recognise your family money story
  2. Interrogate your beliefs around money
  3. Write out I AM statements about your improved relationship with money*
  4. Make an appointment with a Financial Planner or Advisor
  5. Make sure your Super is in a growing Fund supporting your values
  6. Commit to regular investments in a managed fund like kwala AFTER reading all relevant documents:

Kwala's Product Disclosure Statement

Kwala's Investment Options List

Kwala's Target market Determination

These documents explain in detail what the kwala
fund is, the type of companies that are included in the Fund, the cost and risk.

Change takes time. Regular habits and behaviours repeated over and over again change the pathways in our brain.

At kwala we’re reflecting on our individual money stories as we sip our preferred beverage, with our feet up, alone, or with people or pets we love.

Take the time to truly feel into your core beliefs around money, and if your money story needs a rewrite.

Slowly and gently start the conversation within – you might be surprised at what you discover!

Change is an inside job.

*I am successful. I am good at managing money. I am financially safe. I am good with money

The Kwala Fund is issued by Melbourne Securities Corporation Limited. All information is general advice only. All Investments carry risk.
Please consider the PDS and TMD available on our website before applying.

Certified B Corporation